Thursday, January 13, 2011

Terrarium Centerpiece

Moving from the Burbs was a big adjustment for me for MANY reasons. The biggest adjustment was, of course, going from having a yard and garden to... well... nothing. We moved into an apartment without a balcony and no hope for any outdoor cultivation.

Luckily our building is ancient (110 years old!) and so the windows are MASSIVE! We get a ton of natural light, making indoor gardens a possibility.

In my never ending quest for all things green, I stumbled upon several articles about terrariums. They are apparently all the rage right now, and I must admit that I am smitten with their cuteness. So many possibilities and so low maintenance. How could I NOT give in to the trend?!

Plus, I figured it would be a great opportunity for the boy and I to play with some dirt and make a mess. And that is always a welcome diversion during these cold winter days.

I followed the directions in this article to build our terrariums. I bought all of my supplies, including the jars, on Amazon. Isn't that tray ADORABLE?! I found the it at Target in the clearance bin for $4! It was scuffed all to hell, but there is nothing a Magic Eraser can't fix.

You can gather your moss outdoors, purchase from a local greenhouse or order it online. I ordered mine online from Teresa's Plants and More Store on Etsy ( ). The moss is beautiful and she is a super nice lady to boot.


Now we have a cool little centerpiece that is movable and versatile. I love it!

The moss is doing great after 5 days... so far so good!

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