Sunday, January 9, 2011

Starting over from scratch...

Moving cross country is rough on everyone... and every THING too. It doesn't matter how well you pack and tether things down. SOMETHING is gonna get messed up. Furniture gets gouged and scratched. Stuff will break. These are the facts of life. It doesn't make it make it easier to deal with though.

When we arrived, about 80% of my house plants and their accompanying ceramic pots were obliterated. We're talking about a decade of nurturing gone to shit in a matter of days. I was crushed.

Even though I had lost most of my favorite plants, I still had some of them left...

I managed to save the Rubber Tree (above) that my husband and I planted almost 10 years ago when we first moved in together. It's been re-potted at least 5 times and stands about 6 feet tall. The plants in the base are starting to come back as well. 

I re-purposed  our old entertainment stand to accommodate the remainder of my plants (above).  Our Buddha collection lives happily amongst the greenery. All of my gardening supplies are tucked neatly away in those cute little cloth boxes. Oh, organization... How I love thee!

 Hey, now! It's starting to look pretty lush in here!

I had to prune back this planter due to some of the damage caused by the move. I was hoping the plants would recover, but they couldn't do it without a little bit of assistance. Hopefully the sunny spot will help them bounce back.  (above: Jade Plant and Variegated Elephant Bush)

Remember to save succulent leaves that fall off and and any cuttings that you take when pruning. Succulents are the easiest things in the world to get to take root. I let the cutting or leaves dry for a day or two then stick them into some potting soil. Just make sure to add some gravel at the base of the pot for good drainage and don't over water. The soil needs to dry out between waterings.

Here's a shot (above) of all the clippings I took growing in a sunny spot. I'll have more plants in no time!

Plants make me happy...

Buddha looks pretty happy too.

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