Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Has it been a year already?! Wow... sorry about that! I swear I've been busy! Don't believe me?

Well, check this:

1. Pregnant with 2nd baby. It's tough, okay!

2. Taking care of house and first kiddo while attempting to potty train him. Ugh... why didn't anyone warn me how tough THAT would be?!

3. Working my 9 to 5 at the local Cable Company.

4. Supporting my husband as he worked on finishing his Masters.

5. I had said 2nd baby on June 15th...
6. Moved our family of four and all of our crap across the country to Philadelphia. (With the help of my Mom and Stepdad, thank goodness.)

Now I'm lucky enough to be able to stay home with my babes every day instead of working a crappy 9 to 5. It's a LOT more work, but worth it.

Well, here's to New Years resolutions. If you didn't already guess by now, mine is to keep up with this blog thing. Wish me luck!

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