Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snow + Dirt = Snirt

Winter sucks. We are SO not leaving the apartment today...

 Occupying our time attempting to teach the baby how to eat real food.

Annnnd hosing her off in the tub afterwards.

Lounging about in footie pj's. In a grumpy fashion, of course...

Chatting with each other. Too bad I'm usually not in on the jokes... they speak a different language to one another. I'm sure of it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Suck it, Martha!

Martha Stewart and her empty promises. Empty promises of a "quick afternoon craft". Really, Martha?!

Well, it took me 3 tries, but I think I've got it right. The booties that are my final product are in no way a Martha Stewart pattern any longer. I took her pattern and set it on fire in a fit of rage.

Now, mind you, I am not a shoemaker. If you are a shoemaker, and I offend you with my crude skills, I am sorry.

If you are Martha Stewart, suck it. 

They morphed into a bit of a ballet slipper, but I really like them. I ended up using most of my nice wool felt on this project, so we made a trip to Queen Village today to visit Fabric Row and replenish my stock.

"Fats" wore her slippers on our outing and they stayed on the WHOLE TIME! I couldn't believe it!

It's a victory for fat babies everywhere!

Green Cleaning

The costs of keeping a house clean can very quickly add up. Did you know that the average family in America can spend upwards of $800 per year on miscellaneous sprays to sanitize their homes and keep it smelling fresh?! Craziness...

Not only are the cleaners sold in stores expensive, they're also full of lots of harsh chemicals. Chemicals that kill 99.9% of all germs, but these chemicals can cause the same problem as overuse of antibiotics... superbug overgrowth. Basically, the germs become immune to the cleaner and morph into SUPER GERMS. So, in your attempt to keep your kids from getting sick you're actually causing them to get sicker.

Now, think about all of the bottles you throw away or (hopefully) recycle every month. How many of those empty bottles are from your cleaning products. A lot, right?!

This is a tutorial on how to make your own Antibacterial Surface Cleaner for about $10... per year! And the best part? It's all NATURAL!

First, get yourself a spray bottle. I had an empty "Method" spray cleaner bottle that I washed out.

Next, get yourself some Essential Oils. I chose Lavender and Lemon essential oils because they smell wonderful together. Here is a list of Essential Oils that work best for Antibacterial Cleaning:
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Balsam pine
I bought my oils at Whole Foods for $10 total.

Now, take 2 cups of purified or distilled water and put it into your spray bottle. I then added 20 drops of Lavender Oil and 10 drops of the Lemon Oil. 


Now, don't forget the power of hot water and soap for cleaning. I usually wipe all of my surfaces with a hot, soapy rag to remove all of the sticky stuff and THEN I use my Essential Oil cleaner afterwards. Make sure to let the cleaner sit for a few minutes before wiping clean. That gives it time to work it's magic. And remember to shake up your cleaner each time you use it.

That was easy, right?! Those bottles of oil should last about a year if not longer.

Not only is this WAY cheaper, it's also WAY more sustainable. It's better for you and your family AND the environment. Everyone wins!

Now, go clean something... and feel good about it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My baby has cankles...

Okay. So I MIGHT occasionally look at Martha Stewart's website. And SOMETIMES, I might even enjoy it. A LOT...

I'm so lame... ugh.

Anyhoo, I saw this baby booties pattern yesterday and had to give it a go. My wee one got her immunizations, so she napped the day away and I had plenty of time. They looked easy enough...

The pattern is two pieces. CAKE!

Except for one small problem. My baby has cankles. Yeah, she's chubby. 7 months old and still nurses in upwards of 12 times a day... I couldn't get the ankle straps to close around her fat little ankles.

SO... I improvised, and  this is what I came up with.

They are adorable and all, but they won't stay on her feet if she's playing on the floor. I'll figure something out. So much for a quick project eh, Martha?!

Hehe...  so cute.She liked them too. Once they came off, they went right into the mouth. Maybe Martha has some tips on baby proofing the house...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Paper Towels SUCK!

Okay, they don't really SUCK. They are amazingly handy, great for cleaning glass and an excellent option for napkins.

BUT... they are wasteful and expensive. With over 90% of US households taking advantage of the convenience of paper towels we produce over 3,000 tons of waste each day. That is a shocking statistic. One that doesn't sit well with the ever evolving environmentalist that I've become. So, I gave them up about a month and a half ago. And it has been a painful experience to say the least.

I've got a stash of cleaning rags that I wash when dirty.  Just by using the rags to clean for this last month and a half, I have saved roughly $25. Not a tremendous amount, but over the course of a year I will save over $200.

Linen is an excellent option for cleaning glass, as it's finished product is lint free. They also make lint free rags that you can purchase from big box stores in your area.

My next goal is to make some napkins to use and re-use. I love these napkins at Anthropologie... but there is no way I'm paying $32 when my fabric stash is overflowing.

Well, I'm off to start some sewing. Saving the world, one napkin at a time!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cupcake FAIL

My husband works with a very nice girl that makes VERY delicious cupcakes. He comes home raving about her delectable treats at least once a week. "Man, she is a REALLY good baker!" he says. "She even decorated them with little flowers! Best cupcakes I've ever had!"

Well, needless to say... It fills me with rage knowing that someone makes a better cupcake than me. Talking to my girlfriend the other day she says, "Erin. You can't be serious! So what if someone makes better cupcakes than you? HE LOVES YOU! You're better than this!"

Um... no. No, I'm not! Victory will be mine! Mark my words!

And so, my journey into baking begins. I have a fire in my heart and the contest of a lifetime to win... even if I'm the only one that knows about the contest. 

Don't they look lovely? They tasted even better than they looked. Spongy, soft and chocolaty... yum!

The cake wasn't they problem, though. It was the icing. 

My first attempt at chocolate butter cream frosting ended up making these delicious little cakes look like mounds of cow poop. ugh... FAIL. The icing tasted good, however... so I might be onto something.

If at first you don't succeed, yada yada yada. I'll try again tomorrow. Thank goodness I've got an eager little taste tester living with me. 

Friday, January 14, 2011