Thursday, October 8, 2009

My "To Do" list for October

I've decided that I need to have a checklist this month. I'm mostly doing it because my procrastination has reached ridiculous levels. I can't take the insanity anymore. Structure is a good thing... especially if you have to balance sewing, work and a two year old little boy. Oh, and there's a husband, housework... you get the point. I'm a busy lady!

I have three quilts that I MUST finish. No exceptions, dangit!

First off is a quilt that was commissioned from me. I'm having a hard time with it because it's not my style. I tend to go for the funkier prints, and this one is quite neutral. I think I'm going to bind it with teal fabric to match the flowers... That has me kind of excited about the end product. This one has a deadline, so I can't slack off on it.

The next one is inspired by Amanda Jean over at Crazy Mom Quilts. Her blog is a BIG inspiration for me. In fact, she's pretty much taught me how to quilt and she doesn't even know it!
I used her ragged squares quilt tutorial as a guide to make my Jack Jack a "QUICK" blankie for school. I used some vintage sheets and some modern scraps I had left over to funk it up a little bit. I just have the quilting and binding left to do on this one. (Note that nothing is sewn together in this shot. I just liked the colors in the picture. I swear that it looks more put together now!)

The last one is my FAVE! It's an improvisational quilt that I pieced together using scraps. The solid blue fabric is the only expense that I had and I got 5 yards of it on sale. When I say "SALE", I mean super duper cheap. I think I spent $10. Woo-Hoo!
The quilt top is the ONLY part that I have completed. This will consume most of my month, but I'm cannot wait to have it finished. 

So... That's all I have to do?! (Dripping with sarcasm)

Not too bad. It's good to have goals. People like me NEED goals. Otherwise, I would have a million projects going on at once.

Oh, wait.... I do have a million projects going on at once. Oh, well. This will get rid of three of them at least!
Oh, man... Wish me luck :)

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