Friday, October 9, 2009

I love the pumpkin patch!

It's my second favorite time of the year... FALL is here!

Awww, yeah! Breaking out the hoodies!

We decided to take our offspring to the pumpkin patch last Saturday and had a blast :). The little man was a handful to say the least. It was the PERFECT afternoon to let him run around like a maniac and burn off all of that energy.

Yes... he really IS trying to pick up a pumpkin almost as big as him. Needless to say, there was lots of grunting and gasps for air. But, if he is anything... he is a muscle man. He picked it up and promptly threw it down to break it.
Needless to say, we ran the other way. Shameful, I know.

This cow is trying to EAT a little pumpkin... Did you know that cows even LIKED pumpkin. Maybe he's just a freak of a cow, I dunno. It was weird.

Jack, The Chicken Whisperer.

 Me. Being happy and loving the outdoors, albeit a little bit grungy looking with my bandanna on.

Jack likes to climb things. Totally fearless. I was freaking out the whole time...
Can you say "overprotective"?

There were lots of pretty colors to inspire me. I especially loved this planter...

All in all, a GREAT day. Got some pumpkins. Had some family bonding time. Definitely left with an urge to create something as beautiful as the nature that inspired me.

And then I fell asleep on the couch. So much for that.

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