Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Awww, Hoot....

A few months back, I went to a rummage sale at one of the local churches here. Mostly a bunch of stuff I don't need, but I came across an enormous bag of fleece scraps that I couldn't pass up. When I say enormous, I mean like 20 lbs of fleece or something crazy like that. Freaking AWESOME! I paid 50 cents for it... I know, I robbed the church blind.

I had no idea what I was going to do with it at the time, but I knew I would find the use for it... I'm crafty like that!  Well, my dear friend just welcomed a little bundle of joy to the world recently. I decided to make him a soft little something for his new baby girl. Enter, HOOT!

Now, I normally don't like synthetic fabric... but this fleece is sooo soft. Plus, it's pretty darn durable.
I hand stitched him together and did some embroidery to give him a little bit of character.

Look at that cute little face!
Here he is sunning himself by the window.
Complete with a butt tattoo. Not only is he cute, but he's a little bit tough too.

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