Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cigarettes are bad, MMMKAY?!

Cigarettes have long been one of the greatest loves of my life. I've smoked consistently since I was about 15 years old and only been able to quit for VERY short stints. The longest time that I went without was while pregnant with Jack and a year after he was born. 2 years without tobacco seemed easy. Then one day, the stress got to me. I broke down. Again...

I hate the control that smoking has had over me for all of my adult life.

So, I quit 3 days ago. I found out that I'm going to have another baby, so obviously I have to. I also made a promise to myself that this would be the last time that I did this little dance with my beloved Camel Lights. No more games. I have to just cut the cord and send them on their way... for good!

Now, I'm chewing gum like a maniac.

Crying randomly... which could possibly be hormone induced and not caused by lack of smoke inhalation. We'll go with Nicotine Withdrawal for the purpose of this rant.

 (God, I'm pathetic.)

And what is the thing doing the best job keeping me sane, you ask? Why, SEWING of course!

Gotta keep the hands and the mind busy to really kick a habit. Thank you hexagons! How, I love thee...

 (Obviously making these guys for a Christmas project.)

I think I'm gonna make it this time. It's always soooo hard to quit. It seems even harder this time around than ever before. I don't want to go through this again.


I really loved you.
But, you didn't love me back.
You made my breath stink.

Goodbye, my love. Goodbye.

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